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Clean and Simple Sympathy Card

Hi, everyone! Thank you for joining me for this clean and simple sympathy card. This card uses several techniques I learned in my latest Altenew class on floral composition. I highly recommend this class if you are wanting to increase your floral card skills! Make sure to check out the video for all the details!

First, I stamped the images on Spicy Yogurt card stock from Altenew. The flowers were from the “Build-a-Flower Gardenia” set and the leaves were from the “Beautiful Day” set.

stamped images, altenew, card making, Nicki hearts cards

Next, I used my 0.1 tip black pen to add detail and shadowing to the flower.

card making, stamps, altenew, zig, Nicki hearts cards

This process is labor intensive, but immediately changes your card to look more professional and bold. After I added pen to all the shadowed areas, it was time to add a small amount of color to the petals and leaves. Using a small blending brush, I added a small amount of color to the flower image.

blush, altenew ink, card making, Nicki hearts cards, ink blending

Then, I added gray to the leaves with an even smaller blending brush.

altenew ink, gray, card making, Nicki hearts cards, ink blending

To keep this sympathy card clean and simple, I didn’t want to add too many elements. So, I added small splatters of blush, black spray ink and silver watercolor.

spatter, ink blending, altenew, card making, Nicki hearts cards

The last element was some metallic thread to add extra texture to the card. I learned so much in the floral composition class by Jaycee Gasper and highly recommend it for the advanced card makers out there!

altenew, card making, Nicki hearts cards

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This Post Has 3 Comments

    1. Thank you so much! Can’t wait to get started on the level 3 final challenge.

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