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Creating Iridescent Bubbles without Coloring

lawn fawn - bubbles of joy - creating iridescent bubbles - card making - interactive cards - Nicki hearts cards

For the full description of this process, see my YouTube video.


First, I started with Lawn Fawn plaid paper, cardstock and the shutter card die.

lawn fawn - bubbles of joy - interactive card - shutter card - card making -Nicki hearts cards

Next, I used the bubbles stencils to make flat bubbles on the shutters. The flat bubbles are Nuvo Dream Drops in Love Potion and Indigo Eclipse. Then, I created 3D bubbles on the side flaps with the stencil as a guide for my drops.

lawn fawn- bubbles of joy - shutter card - interactive card - card making - Nicki hearts cards

To create the large center bubble, I used 4 colors of Nuvo Dream Drops mixed together strategically.

nuvo dream drops - iridescent bubbles -interactive card -card making - Nicki Hearts cards

Finally, I put the shutter card together and added my scene. I hope you enjoyed this card and new idea for creating bubbles. Please click through the links below to help support me, if you are interested in any of the products. Thanks so much!


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